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Dentist in Murphy Says Flossing Still Matters. Here’s Why.

August 30, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drnguyen @ 3:48 pm

dentist in murphyDid you hear the news? You’re off the hook! Flossing doesn’t matter anymore. Except — wait. It definitely does. As your dentist in Murphy, we see the damage that not flossing has on teeth and gums every single day. From our point of view, skipping the dental floss looks like this: red, swollen, bleeding gums and sensitive teeth with spots of decay. And that’s not even mentioning the visible tartar buildup and bad breath. In the Great Flossing Debate of 2016, there’s a clear answer. Floss for the good of your oral and overall health.

Why Flossing Is Important

Dental floss gets rid of the food particles your toothbrush leaves behind. No matter how well you brush, there are some spots you just can’t reach — and between the teeth is one of those spaces. Without regular flossing, food particles build up here. When these leftover bits of food combine with the bacteria that naturally resides in your mouth, cavities and gum disease are not far behind.

We know flossing reduces the risk of gum disease, and it’s clear how important that is when you know a bit more about the dangerous effects of infected gums. Untreated gum disease has been linked to serious health conditions, like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. The link between your gums and your blood glucose levels is so strong that treating the symptoms of a gum infection in diabetics actually makes their diabetes easier to control.

And aside from your oral and overall health, there are also some immediate factors to consider. Like your breath. When you don’t clean between each and every one of your teeth, you’re allowing bacteria to multiply in your mouth — and that doesn’t smell good. In fact, many people who suffer from chronic bad breath find that simply adding dental floss to their routine eradicates the problem — a fact that everyone around them is grateful for, too.

How To Pick Up Flossing Again

We’ve still got awhile until New Year’s resolutions are valid, so how can you add a new healthy habit to your routine? First, try triggering the action every night by placing the box (packet?) of floss somewhere you’re sure to see it — like next to your toothbrush. Next, commit to flossing, and mean it. Tell yourself that your nightly hygiene routine simply isn’t complete until you have flossed between each of your teeth.

They say it takes two weeks for a habit to develop. Pretty soon, your teeth and gums will be healthier than ever, and you’ll be breathing fresher!

Flossing: Just One Facet of Good Dental Hygiene

Remember that healthy teeth and gums require flossing in addition to regular brushing and visits to the dentist. Gently brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day, and schedule a checkup and cleaning with your dentist at least every six months. Patients who are at an increased risk for gum disease or cavities should consider more frequent visits. When was your last preventive appointment at Murphy Family Dentistry? Schedule a visit online today!

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