We Create” Forever,” Cavity-free Smiles with Tooth-Colored Fillings

A dental cavity is painful and affects the function and appearance of your smile. Luckily, tooth cavities are easily repairable with dental fillings. Murphy Family Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry offers dental fillings colored like your teeth to create a natural appearance. Unlike the amalgams of the past, composite fillings create a natural and discreet appearance in the mouth. There is no silver appearance or dark lines in your smile.

How are dental fillings placed?

Treating your cavity with a filling is simple and painless. The process can be completed in a single appointment, and tooth preparation doesn’t require invasive procedures. The procedure begins with a consultation to assess the extent of damage to your tooth. A dental filling is all you need unless your tooth is infected or has significant damage.

Before the procedure, the dentist will numb your tooth with local anesthetics. Once you are fully numbed, we’ll gently remove the decayed/damaged portion of the tooth then a layer of composite resin to restore

The doctor will then reshape your filling into the desired shape and use a curing light to harden it. Before finishing the procedure, the dentist will adjust your filling to ensure your bite feels natural. Your tooth will then be polished to shine and look natural.

What should I expect after a tooth filling?

A dental filling is a minimally invasive procedure, and you can resume your daily activities immediately after the procedure. However, avoid chewing or drinking hot beverages  for a few hours until the anesthesia wears off. Otherwise, you risk biting or burning your cheeks or tongue.

We don’t expect any complications after your filling. However, if you experience increased sensitivity or pain, don’t hesitate to contact our team.

What are the benefits of composite dental fillings?

Dental fillings can be created from several materials, including metal. Our office prefers composite fillings because they offer numerous health and aesthetic benefits. Here are some benefits you’ll experience with tooth-colored fillings.

  • Aesthetically appealing results: Composite fillings can be color-matched with your natural teeth to restore your smile without losing its natural aesthetics.
  • Conservative procedure: Placing your filling is a conservative procedure that requires removing a small amount of the enamel. This preserves your tooth’s healthy structure, preventing damage in the future.
  • Strong bond: A composite filling chemically bonds with the tooth to enhance its structural integrity for optimal functionality and longevity. Additionally, this airtight bond seals your tooth, preventing future bacterial infiltrations.
  • Uncomplicated maintenance: Caring for your tooth filling doesn’t involve cumbersome procedures. Fillings require the same maintenance as natural teeth. This care involves brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Also, visit your dentist twice annually for routine exams and cleanings.

Do you need a dental filling?

Neglecting a tooth filling can lead to unnecessary pain, widespread infection, decay, and even tooth loss. Why jeopardize your oral health? Call (972) 808-5023 for a dental filling with Dr. Jacqueline Nguyen or Dr. Masoud E. Najari at Murphy Family Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry. The treatment is simple, painless, and affordable.