Putting the brakes on destructive teeth grinding:
How we treat Grinding and Clenching “bruxism”
Bruxism. It’s a funny word. But, in its simplest form, it refers to teeth grinding. This condition or behavior is associated with some not-so-funny symptoms and complications. Fortunately, your friends at Murphy Family Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry have an easy way to put the brakes on the pain and other problems related to chronic teeth grinding and jaw clenching: nightguards. We are happy to answer a few of your questions about this common and potentially harmful problem, and, more importantly, we are happy to share what our team in Murphy, Texas, can do for you.
Question No. 1: How do I know if I grind my teeth?
This is an excellent question because many of our patients have nocturnal bruxism. They grind their teeth at night while sleeping. For this reason, the appliance we use to help with the problem is called a “nightguard.” It is placed in the mouth before they go to bed. What all of this means is that many times, patients will not realize that they have bruxism until we point it out to them. During an exam, our dentists, Dr. Masoud E. Najari and Dr. Jacqueline T. Nguyen, may notice the telltale signs – chipped teeth and excessive wear and tear to your natural and restored teeth.
Question No. 2: What if I don’t fix the problem?
Consider this: It’s estimated that those with bruxism place 200 to 300 pounds of pressure on the teeth. These forces are three to ten times more powerful than “regular chewing” actions. In fact, this is sufficient force to crack a walnut. We know that tooth enamel is strong, stronger than skeletal bone. But, it is not impervious to damage by any means. If you don’t do something about it, damage, such as chips and small cracks, can become worse. You may experience tooth sensitivity, loss, and other complications.
Question No. 3: What are some less apparent complications of chronic teeth grinding?
Well, the extreme force generated is distributed to more than your teeth. It can also affect the soft and hard tissues that support and surround the teeth. You may notice that the gums have receded. Your smile may look “long in the tooth” as the gums recede and more of the tooth and root is exposed. This may cause severe sensitivity and the possibility of tooth decay.
Additionally, many problems that you may think have nothing to do with teeth are potentially rooted in the oral cavity by bruxism. For instance, chronic tension headaches or migraines may be caused by the stress placed on connected structures like the TMJ or jaw joints. For this reason, bruxism is often linked to TMJ symptoms.
Question No. 4: How do you treat bruxism?
With custom oral appliances, we help ease the pain and prevent damage. Our talented and kind team at Murphy Family Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry can also help you get to the root of bruxism. Since risk factors include poorly managed stress and anxiety, relaxation and stress reduction techniques and exercises can help reduce the frequency and severity of teeth grinding.Â
In the meantime, we can protect your teeth, gums, and other tissues and provide symptom relief with our customized and highly durable nightguards. Simply slip our custom-fit guards over your teeth at bedtime. When you grind your teeth, they provide a cushion. Our guards are durable enough to protect the teeth and other structures effectively. During your routine visits to our Murphy, TX office, we can check the condition of your night guard and clean your appliance for you.  Since they are so lightweight, patients find them easy to adjust to and comfortable to wear.Â
To find out more, speak with a team member by calling (972) 808-5023 or book an appointment online.